Thursday, February 18, 2010


This morning I am doing the happy dance!! I am SUPER excited!!! I stood on the scale and saw DOUBLE ZEROS!!! I am THRILLED!!!

I will post pictures soon!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Couch to 5k Day 2

OK...yesterday was day 2! I did remarkably well!! I felt that running at 4 mph seemed easier. I was still huffing and puffing, but not horrible.

I am preparing to leave for Vegas!! I am SUPER excited!! I will be with my sisters...the first time in almost 4 years!!! I can NOT wait!!!

I am hoping while I am gone, NOT to fall into my old eating habits!! I am also hoping to continue with my couch to 5k program. The hotel we are staying at has a fantastic gym!! PLUS we plan on walking almost everywhere we go!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Today was an interesting day. It started out REALLY good. Then a friend gave me candy for our family for Valentines Day. It just so happened to be my FAVORITE candy!! UGH!!! It wouldn't have been bad, except it threw me into a sugar tailspin!! I had bought heart shaped doughnuts for my kids. I caught myself helping myself to them!!

Well, tomorrow is a new day!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Went shopping today, hoping to find a couple of shirts for me. I ended up hitting some AMAZING sales!! I found 2 $6.00 shirts at Gordmans, 3 $6.00 shirts and a nice red jacket for $9 at Fashion Bug. Its nice to buy smaller clothes...but its FANTASTIC when they are on sale. I am hoping not to be in them too long!! I would like to move to a smaller size soon!! The next size down will take me OUT OF PLUS SIZE CLOTHING!!! WOO-HOO!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Couch to 5k program

I am beginning the Couch to 5k program tomorrow. Its designed to help you run 5k (3 1/2 miles) or about 30 minutes in 9 weeks. I have downloaded the following podcasts to help me on this journey!!
Right click on podcast, select Save As

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Going Public...

The question has been raised about me going public with my weight loss and announcing what my heaviest weight was. Here is my philosophy on the subject...

People can look at me and tell that I was/am overweight and unhealthy.

By telling people what I weigh helps me to be accountable. In my previous attempts to lose weight, only one or two people knew how much I weighed. This time HAD to be different. By sharing with others how much I weighed, it helped me to be more accountable...knowing that others were watching and cheering me on!!

The number on the scale doesn't define me...its just a number...a reflection of turmoil that has happened in my life. Some people smoke and drink to deal with their problems...I ate!!

While it is GREAT to watch those numbers on the scale go down, I know that there is more to Gretchen than my weight.

Monday, February 8, 2010


SO...I've been trying to increase my speed, thus decrease the amount of time it takes me to walk/run a mile. I have started doing half mile increments because...I HATE being out of breath!! Tonight I had my BEST TIME EVER...well, since the last time I had P.E. which was in the 9th grade. I ran a half a mile in 6 minutes and36 seconds!! WOO-HOO!!

I ran for a minute and 45 seconds at 5 mph. I am up to walking 4 mph!! PROGRESS!! I remember a year ago, I was struggling to walk 3.2 mph!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7, 2010

Well, this evening, I have found some motivation!! I ate well today and am pumped for the beginning of a new work week!! I am recommitting myself to this process by pledging to lose 25 lbs in the Biggest Loser Pound for Pound Challenge. For every pound I lose, the Biggest Loser will donate a pound of food to the Ozark Food Harvest.

My official weigh in days are on, HOPEFULLY there is no damage!!

My time on the treadmill is improving!! A mile in 15:48...I can walk 4 mph!! I that is where I began jogging!! YEAH!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I am struggling. I don't know what it is I am afraid of or why I have reached this place of unhappiness!!

I went shopping with my mom yesterday and bought some cute pants and a couple of my friend Janet says, "to show off my weight loss."

I should be very proud of what I have accomplished and this should motivate and push me further...but for some reason it doesn't. I don't know if I am physically tired, or just tired of trying so hard!!

I have seen big improvements in me physically. I can run 5 mph on the treadmill for a minute. I can also walk 4 mph...two things I haven't been able to do since...I don't know when. I should really cut myself some slack!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


My incentive to lose 18 more lbs!! What a way to celebrate...don't you think?? A $600 value on sale for $250!! What a deal!!

Monday, February 1, 2010


I am SO excited!! I had set a mini goal to be @205 by the end of January!! I weighed in at 204!!! WOO-HOO!!! I am SUPER excited!!

I have set a mini goal to lose 5 lbs a month. VERY DOABLE!!

We shall see if I can keep it ON TRACK!!!